كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الولادة (أمراض الولادة)

Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOS) :

a- Knowledge and understanding:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

a.1. Conduct clinical examination and handling of an obstetrical case.

a.2. Follow the pathway of pregnant, parturition and peurperium

a.3. Plan policy of the future breeding, replacing or culling

b- Intellectual skills:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

b.1. Acquire good obstetrical approach

b.2. Analyze an obstetrics problems

b.3. Compare between different methods of breeding policy

c- Professional and practical skills:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

c.1. Carry out and handle a female in an obstetrical condition

c.2. Evaluate and  save the dam and offspring from danger

c.3. Maintain the female reproductive potential

d- General and transferable skills:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

d.1. Know how to do a review article on a subject

d.2. Know how to read text and reference books related

d.3. Know how to transfer skills via the network connection

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