كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر أمراض الأسماك ورعايتها(ب)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

a- Knowledge and understanding

After successful completion of this course, the graduates should be able to:

a.1. Understand the principles of microbiology and microbial diseases as well as parasitology and parasitic diseases.

a.2. Recognize the fish health conditions.

a.3. Identify the causes of infectious fish diseases

a.4. Know the appropriate methods for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of fish diseases.

a.5. Understand the economic impact of fish diseases and methods available for prevention and control.

a.6. Know the veterinary therapy and principles of their uses in aquaculture.

a.7. Understand the ecological diseases and appropriate methods for management and control.

b- Intellectual skills

After successful completion of this course, the graduates should be able to:

b.1. Develop problem lists and differential diagnosis to reach to appropriate solution and control of the clinical diseases.

b.2. Familiarize to the changing demands of contemporary clinical veterinary practice and committed to life-long learning.

b.3. Create of problem solve approach.

b.4. Criticize how data are collected and managed.

b.5. Analyze the results obtained from their investigation and their value and limitations.

C- Professional and practical skills

After successful completion of this course, the graduates should be able to:

C.1. Use of more recent advanced and specialized identification techniques.

C.2. Equip with specialized skills of laboratory and field samples collection and processes.

C.3. Perform emergency care to fish.

C.4. Use appropriate safety procedure to protect themselves and co-workers.

C.5. Write a communication report, case history.

C.6. Conduct clinical examination on diseased fish and collect different samples.

C.7. Demonstrate the risks and relevant factors promoting disease outbreaks, and to implement an appropriate control strategy.

C.8. Implement several strategies for control of fish diseases

D- General and transferable skills

After successful completion of this course, the graduates should be able to:

d.1. Working with others, group work in the field trip.

d.2. Communicate effectively with other relevant groups

d.3. Utilize computers and internet skills, assay presentations

d.4. Search for new technological methods to solve emergency problem in fish farm as well as new disease outbreaks.

d.5. Organize and Manage tasks  as well as, adopt to work under pressure

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