كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الرقابة الصحية على الألبان ومنتجاتها (مراقبة الألبان)

Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs):

a- Knowledge and understanding:

a.1 Describe the public health of milk consumption as a food of animal origin and know the diseases that transmitted to human.

a.2 List and understand the basic laws, legislatives and ethical codes relevant to milk hygiene.

b- Intellectual skills:

b.1 Determine clean milk from spoiled one through appearance, flavor and consistency.

b.2 Analyze the sources of milk contamination with spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms and develop preventive measures through effective control of their sources of contamination.

b.3 Decide proper heat treatment method that suits milk processing.

b.4 Modify and enhance sanitation programs for applying in dairy farms, and during transportation, and reception of milk.

c- Professional and practical skills:

c.1 Practice the fat and protein contents of any milk sample.

c.2 Perform methods to detect the adulterated milk and determine the foreign material added.

c.3 Diagnose any unauthorized preservative added to milk.

c.4 Manage how to distinguish raw milk from heat treated one.

c.5 Train how to distinguish mastitis milk from normal one.

c.6 Practice how to isolate any pathogenic microorganisms that may contaminate milk.

c.7 Write reports about the elevation of the hygienic measures and standards in dairy farms and during transportation, and reception of milk.

d- General and transferable skills

Graduate must have the ability to:

d.1 Conduct a scientific research group that help improving dairy sanitation.

d.2 Communicate with quality control people regarding milk quality either verbally and non-verbally.

d.3 Function in a multidisciplinary team.

d.4 Work under pressure and/or contradictory conditions.

d.5 Organize and control tasks and resources.

d.6 Ss adopting self-learning ethics.

d.7 Utilize computer and internet skills. 

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