كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الولادة (التناسليات وتشخيص الحمل)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

a- Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

a.1 Recognize all clinical examination of female reproductive system.

a.2 Familiarize with all tools used for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility problems.

a.3 Enumerate all methods used for assessment of fertility and the conception rate.

b- Intellectual skills:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

b.1 Operate all clinical practice in farm animals.

b.2 Manipulation and treatment of infertility problems.

b.3 Schedule the breeding soundness.

c- Professional and practical skills:

By the end of this course, students will be able to

c.1 Manipulate with the female genital system clinically.

c.2 Control an infertility problem at an early stage.

c.3 Evaluate and maximize the female reproductive potential.

d- General and transferable skills

d.1 How to do a review article on a subject.

d.2 How to read text and reference books related.

d.3 Problem solving skills.

d.4 Working in a team work.

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