كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر صحة الحيوان والدواجن والبيئة (صحة الحيوان والدواجن)

Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs):

a- Knowledge and understanding:

After successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

a.1. Mention the general requirements for poultry housing

a.2. Illustrate general layout of poultry farms for different production sectors

a.3. Define different causes of stress and mention measures of amelioration

a.4. Classify disinfectants, sanitizers and insecticides and explain their mode of action and their uses in the farm as a part of a biosecurity plan.

a.5. Define the term used in veterinary epidemiology, tell the patterns of disease, and list the general principles for prevention and control of diseases.

b- Intellectual skills:

After successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

b.1. Design a general layout for poultry farms.

b.2. Choosing the appropriate system of housing and design according to type of production and environmental requirements and manage environmental stressors.

b.3. Compare between different disinfectants for use under different field situation and housing systems, Interpret disinfection process.

b.4. Conclude suitable methods for application of insecticides under different field conditions and plan a program for eradication of skin parasites.

b.5. Evaluate the role of different environmental stressors in multifactiorial diseases.

c- Professional and practical skills:

After successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

c.1. Manage different poultry housing to provide the birds with their requirements under different field situations and for different types of production .

c.2. Judge biosecurity measures applied in different animal farms.

c.3. Evaluate the efficiency of different disinfectants.

d-General and transferable skills:

After successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

d.1. Be an active member in the team running large scale animal farms.

d.2. Use the computer and Internet to search for information

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