كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر باثولوجيا أكلينيكية (خاص)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

A- Knowledge and understanding

A.1 Identify the basic knowledge about body fluids

A.2 List the Principles of electrolytes homeostasis

A.3 Understand liver, kidney and pancreas functions

A.4 Approach the evaluation of organ function tests

A.5 Describe the fundamental aspect and diagnosis of jaundice, renal failure, and diabetes mellitus

A.6 Recognize the metabolic disorders of lipid, carbohydrates and proteins

A.7 Understand the cytology of effusions

A.8 Know the different samples used for different biochemical assays

A.9 Understand the aims of using molecular biology as a clinical pathology tool

A.10 Recognize the different techniques of molecular biology used for diagnostic purposes.

A.11 Familiarize with different apparatuses used in clinical biochemical assays

A.12 Interpret the results obtained by different techniques used in clinical biochemistry

B- Intellectual skills

B.1 Comment the serum chemistry profile

B.2 Judge the type of jaundice and renal failure

B.3 Analyze the organ functions tests reports

B.4 Solve the unexpected problems happened during assay.

B.5 Assess alternative approaches which can be used for diagnosis of different diseases

B.6 Judge the suitability of the samples for different assay.

B.7 Criticize the common artifacts and problems render the samples unsuitable for assay.

B.8 determine the ideal antibiotic suitable for treatment of different bacterial diseases

C- Professional and practical skills

C.1 practice the adjusting and operating spectrophotometer

C.2 Collection and analysis of the serum and plasma samples

C.3 Prepare solutions for chemical tests

C.4 Use clinical data to help in diagnosis of metabolic diseases

C.5 Conduct different techniques of molecular biology

C.6 Implement and establish the best laboratory conditions for different techniques

C.7 Write a decision from clinical biochemical data.

D- General and transferable skills

D.1 Present information and express data using information technology (IT) facilities

D.2 Consult with veterinarian to advise the treatment

D.3 Manage time and use the most cheap, fast, and accurate way for laboratory diagnosis

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