كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر باثولوجيا (الأمراض البكتيرية والطفيلية ومتعددة الأسباب)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

a- Knowledge and understanding

a.1 Basic information about different bacterial and parasitic diseases affected various animal, poultry and fish species.

a.2 Basis of the Pathogenesis of these diseases.

a.3 Basis knowledge of Postmortem and microscopic lesions.

a.4 Basis of differential diagnosis of the common diseases affecting various animal, poultry and fish species.

a.5 Awareness about the complication and prognosis of different diseases.

b- Intellectual skills

After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:

b.1 distinguish between different bacterial and parasitic diseases affecting various animal, poultry and fish species.

b.2 handle tissue specimens for histopathological examination.

b.3 Interpret the P. M and histopathological reports.

b.4 use different staining techniques of tissue sections.

c- Professional and practical skills

After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:

c.1 perform PM techniques for different animal and poultry species.

c.2 Prepare and handle the tissue specimens for histopathological examination.

c.3 differentiate between various diseases.

d- General and transferable skills

d.1 Able to become one of successful Pathologist.

d.2 Able to write and read PM and histopathological reports.

d.3 Scientific Pathological terms.

d.4 Able to make presentation of PM and histopathologicl cases

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