كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الولادة (علم الذكور والأمراض التناسلية)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

a- Knowledge and understanding

a.1 Recognize male breeding soundness.

a.2 Explain infertility problems

a.3 Familiarize with male reproductive managements

b- Intellectual skills

b.1 Interpret breeding soundness

b.2 Inspection and manipulation with an infertility problem

b.3 Set up all methods of handling of the male.

b.4 Assess the male sexual behaviour.

c- Professional and practical skills:

By the end of this course, students will be able to

c.1 Evaluate and examine a male for breeding soundness.

c.2 Apply different method of control an infertility problem at an early stage

c.3 Maximize the male fertilizing capacity.

d- General and Transferable Skills

d.1 How to do a review article on a subject.

d.2 How to read text and reference books related.

d.3 How to connect the websites to transfer skills

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