كلية الطب البيطرى

أساليب مقرر الرقابة الصحية على اللحوم والدواجن والأسماك ومنتجاتها

Teaching and Learning Methods

4.1 Lecture notes and textbooks

4.2 Lectures prepared on multimedia as powerpoint presentations

4.3 Practical lessons for case diagnosis and treatment in the hospital

4.4 Educational farm for conducting the clinical examination of animal.

4.5 Field trips to pet animal clinics and hospitals.

5- Student Assessment Methods

5.1 Mid-term examination

5.2 Final-term exam  

5.3 Oral exam

5.4 Practical exam

5.5 Assignment and research

Assessment Schedule

Assessment 1: Mid-term exam                     Week 8

Assessment 1: Final-term exam                   Week 15

Assessment 2: Oral exam.                            Week 15

Assessment 3: Practical exam.                     Week 14

Assessment 4: assignment and research       Monthly

Weighting of Assessments

Mid-term examination                     5%

Final-term Examination                   50 %         

Oral  Examination.                           20 %

Practical Examination                      20 %         

 Assignment and research                5 %

                 Total                                        100%

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