كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقررالصحة والسلوكيات الفصل الدراسى الأول

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs).

a- Knowledge and understanding:

Graduates of veterinary medical program must acquire the following knowledge and understanding in course of animal and poultry behaviour and management

1) Comprehend The basics of normal behaviour, management and health maintenance of domestic animals (horse, cattle, buffalo, camel, sheep and gaot).

2) Familiarize with the principles of welfare , production and health maintenance of food producing animals and sporting animals

3) Know the basics of lows and ethical codes relevant to animals and food hygiene.

4) Recognize animal welfare which in turn will be reflected in form of high performance and productivity of the animal.

5) Describe which is going within the animal mind and understand the body language in order to fulfill all the reasonable useful requirements of the animals

6) Summarize the actual aetiological factors which can induce behavioural disorders or vices

7) Familiarize with handling and restraint of different domestic and dangerous animal .

8) Realize the proper management of horse, cattle, buffalo, camel, sheep and goat which in turn will be reflected in the form of high performance and productivity of the animal and safety of the animal care stuff.

9) Enumerate the different behavioural disorders of horse, cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats.

10) List freedoms of animals in order to avoid suffering and sustain fitness.

11) Relate the environmental condition with different behaviour of animals

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