Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
a- Knowledge and Understanding:
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
a.1. Know various causes of poultry and rabbit diseases, their pathogenesis, macroscopic and microscopic pathological lesions, and laboratory diagnosis.
a.2. Understand the most appropriate diagnosis and differential diagnosis of poultry and rabbit diseases.
a.3. Approach the methods of disease prevention and control.
b- Intellectual Skills
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
b.1. Collect history and data required for disease diagnosis.
b.2. Analyze the causes of the problem.
b.3. Design differential diagnosis to reach the specific disease for good control of the case.
b.4. Assess the problem according to available facilities.
c- Professional and Practical Skills
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
c.1. Carry out case history from poultry and rabbit flocks.
c.2. Apply clinical examination of diseased cases.
c.3. Perform lab diagnosis.
c.4. Design case report and interpret findings.
c.5. Choose therapeutic approach of the case.
d- General and Transferable Skills
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
d.1. Using computers
d.2. Using internet
d.3. Conduct a search in digital library
d.4. Capacity to make oral presentations
d.5. Retrieve information from different sources independently.
d.6. Know group dynamics to reach objectives
d.7. Recognizing and identifying views of others
d.8. Ability to schedule tasks in order of importance
d.9. Able to facilitate learning to all team
d.10. Able to coordinate for conference, workshop
d.11. Able to innovate or create