كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر باثولوجيا أكلينيكية (عام)

Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)

A- Knowledge and understanding

A.1 Understand the basic knowledge of blood constituents

A.2 Ilustrate principles of blood cells maturation and release to circulation

A.3 Describe the laboratory method of the blood film spreading and evaluation

A.4 Understand the normal morphology of blood cells and differential diagnosis of its abnormalities

A.5 Know the laboratory method of bone marrow examination and interpret the result

A.6 Mention the practice of evaluation of complete blood picture (CBC)

A.7 Recognize the fundamental aspect and diagnosis of anemia, polycythemia, leukogram disorders

A.8 List the hematopoietic neoplasia and their differential diagnosis

A.9 Mention the laboratory methods of counting of reticulocytes and platelets

A.10 Describe hemostasis and its disorders

B- Intellectual skills

B.1 Analyze blood cells disorders.

B.2 Conclude of the type of anemia and polycythemia.

B.3 Judge completes blood picture (CBC) report.

B.4 Determine the normal and abnormal shapes of erythrocytes in different animal species

B.5 Assess the function and morphology of leukocytes

B.6 Judge the results of leukogram

B.7 determine hemopoetic neoplasia

B.8 Assess differential diagnosis of leukemia

B.9 Estimate hemostatic disorders

C- Professional and practical skills

C.1 Identify the blood cells of the different species of animals.

C.2 Collect and analyze of the blood samples

C.3 Prepare of diluting fluids stains and blood films.

C.4 Use of clinical data to help in diagnosis of blood diseases.

D- General and transferable skills

D.1 use computer and enhance the presentation skills

D.2 Consult with veterinarian to advise the treatment

D.3 Solve diagnostic problems

D.4 Schedule tasks to save time

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