Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
a- Knowledge and Understanding:
a.1 Know about the animal production
a.2 Define of different economic terms
a.3 Recognizeeconomic problems
b- Intellectual Skills
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
b.1 determine demand and supply function.
b.2 Choose the appropriate method of animal production .
b.3 judge between risk and uncertainity.
c- Professional and Practical Skills
After successful completion of the course the students should be able to:
c.1 Determine of suitable costs for animal farming
c.2 Identify of economical problems in animal production
c.3 Prepare the economical report for animal farm
d-General and Transferable Skills
d.1 Able to be a successful member in solving problems.
d.2 Able to communicate with animal production organizations
d.3 capacity to make presentations of a scientific study and writing of reports