كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الطب الشرعى والسموم والأجراءات البيطرية )

Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOS) :

a- Knowledge and understanding:

a.1. Record the basic knowledge of toxicology, fate of poison, types of antidotes and general treatment

a.2. Recognize causes of poisoning either plants, heavy metal, pesticides, Mycotoxins and corrosives

a.3. Know symptoms and P.M examination for each toxin .

a.4. Recognize type of samples should be collected.

a.5. Explain the appropriate methods for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of different type of poison.

a.6. Mention the veterinary therapy and principles for uses.

a.7. Describe the basic knowledge about laboratory analysis for poisonous.

b- Intellectual skills:

The graduates should be able to:

b.1. practice how data collected and handled.

b.2. Know how to make a problem list and differential diagnosis.

b.3. Criticize appropriate solution.

b.4. Solve problems associated environmental pollution.

b.5. Analyze the results obtained and their value.

c- Professional and practical skills:

The graduates should be able to:

c.1. Demonstrate the history of the case whether it is of an individual animal or a group of animals. 

c.2. Perform clinical examination of poisoned cases and collect relevant samples.

c.3. Perform laboratory diagnostic procedures .

c.4. Use more recent advanced techniques.

c.5. Provide emergency care to all species of animals.

c.6. Use appropriate safety to protect clients and co-workers.

c.7. Implement several strategies to minimize the risk of contamination. 

d- General and transferable skills:

d.1. Work in a team

d.2. Communicate with other group

d.3. Utilize computer and different multimedia

d.4. Search for new technological methods for practical diagnosis.

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