Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs)
a- Knowledge and understanding
The graduates should be able to :-
a.1 Know the basic knowledge of forensic medicine and forensic terminology.
a.2 Mention the appropriate steps for identification of living or dead body.
a.3 Identify causes of death and time passing after death, Burn, Wound and Asphyxia
a.4 Know the appropriate methods for criminal analysis.
a.5 Recognize the medico legal important for each examined point
a.6 Describe steps needed for writing a forensic report.
b- Intellectual skills
The graduates should be able to:
b.1 Illustrate problem list
b.2 Demonstrate how case history, signs, P.M examination managed
b.3 Interpret the medico legal important of data collected.
b.4 Analyze the results obtained from their investigation and their value.
b.5 Practise to solve criminal problems.
c- Professional and practical skills
Graduates must attain the capacity to:
c.1 Use safely, correctly and humanely restrain animals for examination.
c.2 Carry out the history whether for individual or a group of animals.
c.3 Perform P.M examination and collect relevant samples.
c.4 Use more recent advanced techniques.
c.5 Write a report to explain causes of the criminal problems.
c.6 Use appropriate safety procedures to protect themselves and co-workers.
d- General and transferable skills
Graduates must have the ability to:
d.1 Working under pressure.
d.2 Working in team.
d.3 Utilize computer and different multimedia.
d.4 Search for new technological methods for practical diagnosis