كلية الطب البيطرى

قائمة مراجع مقرر صحة الحيوان والدواجن والبيئة (الصحة البيئية) (ا)

List of references :

6.1. Essential books (text books)

  • Veterinary Hygiene (1921): R.G. Linton, W. Green and Sons, LTD Ediburgh.
  • Livestock health and Housing (1982): David Sainsbury and peter Sainsbury and peter Sainsbury. Butler and tanner LTD, Frome and London.
  • Pollution in Livestock production systems (1994): I.A.P. Dewi, R.F.E. Axford, I. Fayez M. Marai and H. Omed. CAB International. UK. 

6.3. Recommended books

  • Animal Welfare (1989): Mahmoud A. Metwally, Zagazig University.
  • Farm animal health (1991): Patrick T. Cullen, Pregamon Press. PLC. UK.
  • Farm animal and the environment (1992): Clive Philips and David Piggs. CAB International. UK. 

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