كلية الطب البيطرى

أساليب مقرر أمراض الأسماك ورعايتها(ب)

Teaching and learning methods

4.1. lectures

4.2. Practical sessions

4.3. Small groups teaching

4.4. Field trips

4.5. Assays and seminars

5- Student assessment methods

5.1. Mid term examination to assess the understanding and follow up of the course.

5.2. Practical examination to assess the practical skills and how to diagnose, identify and control different fish diseases

5.3. Term work:  how to collect information about the diseased cases, and how to expect the cause and how to manage the case (field trip)

5.4. Written examination to assess the explanation and interpretation of fish diseases, epizootology, pathogenesis and control.

5.5. Oral examination

Assessment schedule

Assessment 1 mid term examination              Week 7

Assessment 2 practical examination               Week 13

Assessment 3 written examination                 Week 15

Assessment 4 oral examination                      Week 15

Assessment 5 Term work and field trip         Week 10

Weighting of assessment

Term work and field trip                                           5%

Mid term examination                                                5%

Final term examination                                              50%

Oral examination                                                       20%

Practical work                                                            20%

Other types of assessments                                        0

Total                                                                           100%

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