كلية الطب البيطرى

أهداف مقرر صحة الحيوان والدواجن والبيئة (صحة الحيوان والدواجن)

Overall aims of the course are to :

a. Provide the students with an advanced education in the field of poultry housing and hygienic measures to provide safe and comfortable environment for efficient production under different field and environmental conditions.

b. Highlight the importance of hygienic measures of the farms and using of sanitizers, disinfectants and insecticides as an essential step in biosecurity programs.

c. Stress on the effect of different environmental stressors on the animal health and measures for amelioration of their deleterious effect.

d. Help the students to understand the basics of veterinary epidemiology

e. The course also pays special attention to hygienic measures for carcass disposal during outbreaks, how to prepare and disinfect animal housing between batches and during outbreaks, quarantine measures, prevention and control of diseases and general measures for dealing with notifiable diseases.

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