كلية الطب البيطرى

قائمة مراجع مقرر أمراض مشتركة (أ)

List of References

8.1 Course notes

-Dangerous Zoonotic diseases transmitted from animals to man (Lectural & Practical) Part I Dr. Adel Mohamed abdelaziz

8.2 essential books (text books)

-Acha & Szyfres, zoonoses & communicable diseases common to man & animals P.A.H.O. Washington, D.C. 1986

8.3 Recommended books

-Hubbert et al. (Diseases transmitted from animals to man) 5thed. Thomas-Publisher U.S.A. 1981

8.4 Periodicals, Web sites, . . . etc

-AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

-BMA (British Medical Association)

-OIE (Office International des Epizooties)

-WHO site (world health organization).

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